Saturday, July 14, 2007

Last day of ministry

Our last ministry opportunity was to run a children's program at Mely and Otto's church.

Kate teaching kids English before the program started! (I was so in love with the little boy with the soccer ball and bowl cut!)

We made wordless book bracelets (using pipe cleaners is an ingenious idea!).

While prepping to give my testimony, these girls, eye-ing my camera, asked to take a picture!

Daniel's wife, Ivonne, couldn't get off work to do work with us in Nenton.... so JANET replaced her as a clown! Here's the make-up prepping...

Tada! Janet, the payacita!

Pictures of just the girls before Janet, Chris, and I left the rest of the group! :( Julia, Kate, me, Janet, Laura, and Katie.

Chris stayed with Al and Pat Colton, another missionary family we were working with!

Angie, the girl on the right, is Mely and Otto's kid. She's a sweetheart!

Janet and me with the Eller kids! They are such amazing kids! God's going to do wonderful things through them!

During our stay, Chris became Ben's bestfriend. It was the cutest thing!

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