Saturday, June 30, 2007


chris being a dork (as usual) in colorado, where it's prairie for miles!

Me, Janet, Kate, Marcie, Tammy, and Chris eating dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. Marcie and Tammy did our pre-field training and just "meet & greet." The whole day was wonderful and driving around, LOST in denver was fun in Tammy's mpx. I was so sad they couldn't come with us. They were so wonderful! :D

red eye to denver!

janet, me, and chris on the plane (at 5:30 am red eye. man, we look terrible!) ready to take off for Denver!

the subway to get to baggage claim at denver international airport. we got lost and were walking aimlessly for 20 minutes before calling information. haha, so typical.
me, chris, and janet in front of a fountain in front of our gate. i didn't realize how silly janet and i (well, mostly me) look with our travel pillows!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

leaving on a jet plane...

a little countdown i found outside my door today. oh, it's gonna be crazy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


i've been attending my church's community group held in orange county each tuesday for the past two years. since i've started attending, we've had much growth. more apparently though, it's come through these little guys.

joshua, our church's little boy (or my pastor's son. same thing, really.)

ashley, the ever-so-happy and relatively tantrum free child i've grown attached to!

by the end of the meeting, at least one of them is doing this (or all three... we can't forget baby elizabeth as well).


oh baby elizabeth, you make me melt!

empanadas! almost as good as those from paraguay. flaky, crispy but chewy! oh, how wonderful.

nothing says summer like cherries! the vender kept yelling, "try the fruit! all the fruit! very tasty! no obligation!" haha...

this little man was playing in the water! it was so hard to take pictures without seeming shady :(

downtown brea's farmer's market at a time that i call "golden grass weather"... that time when the sun's almost about to set and blankets grass with a golden tint. my favorite time of the day.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

a quiet evening hike/picnic at mount baldy

the view from a quick after-work hike to the ever-so-close mt. baldy. it was literally a 15 minute drive to the starting point from campus. now who would've thought something so wonderful was so close?

i love quiet moments such as these.
my one and only jules ;)