Monday, July 2, 2007

Buck wild in Antigua!

Antigua used to be the capital of what was once mexico/guatemala/honduras before the land was split. our missionaries set us out into two teams in a game of The Amazing Race, setting us loose in the city to do common, ordinary things (i.e. wash your clothes in the public tanque, ride a bus) to see how Guatemalans live day to day.

guatemala's surrounded by volcanoes. cool, i know. that one was spewing a bit the day before we arrived in antigua.

driving here sucks. you never know which signs/signals to follow and which ones to ignore.

one of the buses that we had to take to get to san antonio. bus experiences are crazy here: people jump onto moving buses, you're crammed until asphyxiation, they don't announce the stops so you better know where you have to get off, and sometimes, you'll have to hold a chicken during the ride. thankfully, i didn't have to hold a chicken. cluck cluck.

on my team for the game were chris and sareth (pronounced without the "h"). we were, of course, the winning team! haha. fight on...

antigua has these beautiful mini-balconies everywhere. while walking, i almost hit my head so many times! :(

some of the chicks i saw at the mercado for sale.

we learned how to make tortillas with masa. dang, it's not easy. chris actually made the prettiest, even though he was with two pretty artistic girls...

Delmi, the lady that taught us tortilla-making, was so excited to see me that she dressed me up in the traditional Guatemalan dress, a huipile. Haha, what a poser.

Julia and Janet with the tuk-tuk guy that drove them to Delmi's place.

The public tanque where we washed my sock (after finding a tienda to buy a bar of soap). That wet sock stayed in my backpack (unknowingly) for two days before I realized why my backpack smelled. Yuck!

Antigua's got fountains galore! So beautiful!

one of the beautiful government buildings in antigua.

We had to find this shoeshiner, Luis, and then learn how to shine shoes. Chris was a trooper. We spent 20 minutes shining shoes! Good Lord, they better be like brand-spankin' new!

Aha! After 20 minutes of Chris' hard work, we had a new shoe!

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